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ASTM E 331-00-Water penetration by uniform static air pressure difference.

ASTM E 283-99-Determining the rate of air leakage under specified pressure differences across the specimen.

ASTM E 330-02-Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference.

ASTM E 1996- Standard Test Method for Performance of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, Doors and Storm Shutters Impacted by Missile(s) 

ASTM F 1233-98-(2004)-Standard Test Method for Security Glazing and Materials.

ASTM F-2248-03 - Standard Practice for Specifying an Equivalent 3-Second Duration Design Loading for Blast Resistant Glazing Fabricated with Laminated Glass.

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